Sunday, April 22, 2007

Summing up the Minister's pay debate

Sylvia Lim's Parliamentary Speech 11th April 2007

Dear Ministers,

It is not that you do not deserve to be paid well, please remember that you are drawing your pay from taxpayer's money, many whom are struggling to live with the GST hike to 7%, which is even higher than even that of Japan. I believe that you are in your post not because of the remuneration, but because of your public spiritedness, of serving the people. However, it will not be possible to continue to lead "by example", to tell the people to accept CPF cuts during tough economic times, when you are drawing such astronomical high pay. As NCMP Sylvia Lim so aptly pointed out, the mean average salary of $4.5k, which is approximately the amount that I will be paid A month working 8am to 11pm every day, would be able to be earned by you, the minister, in a matter of 2 days. I believe that good leaders would work for the people even if the pay was not excellent. I believe that our first generation leaders, Minister Mentor Lee included, who built Singapore when Singapore was still a riotous poverty stricken third world country did so EVEN WITHOUT earning 10, 100, 1000 times more than the average professional lawyer, banker, doctor, because back then, they were truly, public servants.

Regards, and with utmost respect,

Agent Jared
(who has an examination paper tomorrow.)



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