Its over

Roughly translated as: "Orange Days: The Unforgettable days of our youth"
4 golden years comes to an end with a stroke of my pen as Maisie says "Time's up". This time, unlike the "O"s, nor the "A"s, we did not shuffle out of the hall giving each other congratulatory slaps on the back, as not everyone could share our joy. The maudlin tinge of unsettlement hits, even as I was gorging on all you can eat pizza with the guys, or playing board games overnight with the other NMPs (non-mugging personnel), this unsettling feeling of, "This is it? What now?" just overstays its due, but yet, I recognize that this should merely be fleeting, that after our orange days, we have already discovered who we want to be in our lives.
And again, we go our separate ways. Separate grad trips, separate firms, separate companies, separare futures. We make our own destinies in life, and it may or may not include the people that we have came to depend upon. I have come to accept that, slowly but surely.
大切にしなきゃ と僕らは誓った
めぐり逢った すべてのものから送られるサイン
もう 何ひとつ見逃さない
hmm.. congratulation? haha. i'll just enjoy my remain 5 semesters in school.
Don't worry Ah-ye! Your time will come! I never thought I'd see this day, really haha
very very very aptly put. i feel exactly the same way, but guess i'm not that much of a thinker so i never actually sit down to pen my thoughts down. if i were like you, i think my blog won't be so mundane.
will miss classes with you, totally. hope to seeya soon! (at raffles place *grumbles*)
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