Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Grad Trip

Because of the sheer amount of work involved in blogging about an eventful grad trip that was 3 weeks long, I decided to just use flickr and save myself a whole load of time, so guys, here's the link:

Jared's grad trip photos

Work's starting this friday. I know everyone's dreading it, but I guess its something to look forward to, at least. I'm strange that way.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Of Airplanes and Friendship

Of all the many things I enjoy, not many come close to sitting at Changi Jetty with good friends and beer and watching planes flying directly above us, just talking. :)

And I thought to myself, "This time tomorrow, I will be on one of those planes to Japan"

catch you guys when I'm back.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Island Life

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Jared is still fiddling with the manual functions of his digicam as he is trying to take SLR-quality shots without having to use a $1000 SLR camera. Trying.

How to relax:

1 x Sunny Day
4 x Good friends
1 x Ticket to Sentosa
+ KM8
+ Frisbee
+ Board Games
+ Doing Nothing
+ Pigging out
+ Swimming in the sea =